
Ancient Churches of Arabia

Ancient Churches of Arabia (Part 1) From "ASIA, CHRISTIANITY AND THE BIBLE: Volume One – JERUSALEM TO INDIA"By… Posted by The Order of St Hadrian of Canterbury on Friday, 21 August 2020  


The Order of St Hadrian was originally founded by Archbishop Doyé Agama as a non-chivalric, Pentecostal Christian and Educational Order based in the United Kingdom. Members of this Religious Order pledge to uphold the memory of St Hadrian, through his tenets of exemplary humility, excellence… Read More »Foundation

Awards and Fellowship

HONOURS IN THE APOSTOLIC ORDER OF ST HADRIAN OF CANTERBURY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING RANKS: Neophyte (Member) Associate Fellow (Member (H)) Fellow (Officer) Fellow of the International Entrepreneurial Circle (Officer (H)) Senior Fellow (Commander) Distinguished Fellow (Knight/Dame) Grand Companion (Knight/Dame (H)) Life Fellow (Knight/Dame Commander) Patron… Read More »Awards and Fellowship

St Hadrian of Canterbury

Adrian, also spelled Hadrian (born before 637, died 710), was an African scholar in Anglo-Saxon England and the abbot of Saint Peter’s and Saint Paul’s in Canterbury. He was a noted teacher and commentator of the Bible. Adrian was born between 630 and 637.  According… Read More »St Hadrian of Canterbury

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Web Design Trends for 2020

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