The International Urban Missions course is aimed primarily at Christian Ministers who are engaged in or intend to translate their experience of Ministry in the Southern Hemisphere into the European urban setting. It is also recommended for those who work with them or require knowledge that will give them further understanding of these types of ministry.
The certificate is awarded by the Apostolic Pastoral Congress (APC), a College of Pentecostal Ministers registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. St Hadrian’s College is incubated by the APA and seeking validation/ accreditation of this course from a number of institutions. Information on that process is available on request.
This 9-month course focuses mainly on problems and potential of mission praxis as seen through the contribution of the African Pentecostal Christian Heritage to European re-evangelisation in the 21st Century.
There are 40 hours of taught lectures in addition to fieldwork in practice. The course is structured flexibly to allow for ministry and other commitments.